Adult Emergency and Permanent Guardianships and/or Conservatorships

We strongly encourage you to e-file or mail-in petitions for emergency guardianships and conservatorships and petitions for permanent guardianships and conservatorships.  To e-file you must create an e-file account.

Visit  Click “file now” and you will be prompted to “sign in” or “register.”  After you sign in, for location select dekalb county probate court; for category select probate or mental health; for case type select adult guardianship or mental health.  Then proceed with your filing.

If you are unable to e-file or mail your filings to the probate court, please contact or (404) 371-2896 for assistance.  If necessary, an appointment will be scheduled for you.


556 North McDonough Street
1100 Judicial Tower
Decatur, GA 30030

Why an Adult Guardianship?

The adult lacks sufficient capacity to make or communicate significant responsible decisions concerning his or her health or safety.

Who can serve as the Guardian for an Adult?

An individual who is of majority age and competent, a Public Guardian, or the Department of Human Services, Adult Protective Services.

What rights does an Adult lose when they have a Guardian appointed?

  • Contract marriage;
  • Make, modify, or terminate other contracts;
  • Consent to medical treatment;
  • Establish a residence or dwelling place;
  • Change domicile;
  • Revoke a revocable trust established by the ward; and
  • Bring or defend any action at law or equity, except an action relating to the guardianship.

NOTE: The mere appointment of a guardian does not revoke the powers of an agent who was previously appointed by the ward to act as an agent under a durable power of attorney for health care or health care agent under an advance directive for health care.

Why an Adult Conservatorship??

The adult lacks sufficient capacity to make or communicate significant responsible decisions concerning the management of his or her property.

Who can serve as the Conservator for an Adult?

An individual who is of majority age and competent or the County Conservator.